Thursday, June 30, 2016

Fishers of Men or of Fish?

Goodmorning Family!

Man this weeks been pretty great!! Im really trying to remember all that happened because..well.. it felt like a long week! but we got a ton done! but now that its monday i feel like this last week went by SO fast! Thats missionary life for you! hmm lets think. Well last monday we went fishing with a family from the ward! i caught 3 really huge fish!! Sister White didnt catch anything for like 2 hours and was getting pretty frustrated haha it was kind of funny and i told everyone that we couldnt leave till Sister White caught her fish! Like a half hour later we heard screaming from the dock and sister white screaming "i got one!!" haha she was so stoked and got a million pictures with it. When she went to go put it back in the water it had already died so just floated there ): but i mean the atonement works. We are pretty dang sure we got heat exhaustion that day or something because after we went back to grammys so the kids could swim and we lied under a tree and naped haha it was a good p day! the next day we felt like we got hit by a truck though! we are not used to this humidity yet. It feels like youre walking into a pool as soon as you walk outside! everything just sticks to you! haha luckily we have a car to get us from the 1st person in mexico all the way to the 71st(; 

our area is HUGE here! there are parts we dont get to go to a lot because we dont have enough miles on our car. We are in the middle of our area and it stretched about 45 miles each way around! its nuts!! We are working on a lot of less active work right now. Our attendance is only at 25%!!! ): it broke my heart to here that!! being in such a small ward makes me really grateful for the ward family i have at home. But most less actives will let us into their home and we can share a lesson but they are very open with the fact they do not want to come back to church... not because of the beliefs but because of the ward drama. Man, when you think of a "house divided" just imagine the mexico ward. Its really sad. and we want to help the ward but we cant get involved in the drama of it all. Im not even sure what its about but have just heard people say that the ward is really pitted against each other. We are also putting aside one hour of finding a day for new investigators. Our schedule is usually jam packed so its a little difficult to cram that in but we know that Christ just needs to see our efforts to bring people to him and he will make up for the rest. As a personal goal, i've decided to aim for exact obedience. Which is WAY harder than you think haha. Its not like im disregarding the white handbook haha its more of just small things i need to improve on. So i am aiming for that! to follow the rules set in front of me even in the tiny decisions i make. In my personal study this morning i focused on that. Obedience. Its really cool to able to pick one christ like attribute and search it out in the scriptures. its really cool. I was brought to the story in 2 kings 5 (?) where christ tell the king to bathe himself 7 times to cure his leprosy and at first the guy was like "seriously?? you want me to take a bath? no im not doing something that simple!" and storms off. He quickly turns around though and shows humility and obeys christ and washes himself and the leprosy is gone. That story really got me to thinking about when i receive an answer or guidance from Christ and i disregard it because its not what i was expecting or i think it wont work but then how he still gives me the chance to obey him and follow his will. So basically its the atonement and obedience in one! I thought of the times where i have prayed for an answer and didnt like it so i did it my way just to watch myself fail and then after the fact ill try Gods way and watch it transform my life. Ending that study I decided to always keep that story in mind when it comes to following the word of christ. To never second guess his "rules" and remember that the blessing of following in obedience will constantly pull through.

I always get so jumbled in my emails... just so many things i want to share! Sister White was diagnosed with strep throat this week (after i told her a million times it was strep and to see a doctor!!) so we had to slow down a bit for her to get better. But she handled it like a champ! there wasnt one day we didnt go out and teach. She would get so frustrated if i told her we should take a break for something and would just tell me "no! this is my time to be a missionary so i am going to be a missionary!" When i think of consecrated missionary it is TOTALLY her! she is so dedicated to her work, i know i am going to learn so much from her by the time we leave each other!!

Ive mentioned before the family we are teaching and oh my heck they are doing great! We just had the plan of salvation lesson with them and it really just clicked for them!! it was really awesome. The wife ended up opening up to us a lot and started crying because she said she never gets emotional or talks about it so it was so awesome to see her be vulnerable to us but most importantly to the Savior. Which is one thing we  pointed out to her! We are having an FHE with them tonight and continuing the lessons with them later this week!

You guys, I know its annoying i keep saying this, but i really am SO happy to be out here and so happy in my decision the come back out. The Lord has answered so many prayers of mine from before the mission and is continuing to bless my life. Its crazy how much peace i can feel out here. I am doing the Lords work and i can feel his happiness in me doing so. There is a purpose for where we are now and i love finding mine here.

Sister Bustillos

PS favorite quote 
"faith is like the price is right. You have to trust you have the right answer and then when they show it to you, you know!" -Carol Investigator
haha she didnt make much sense but it stuck with me

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