Thursday, October 13, 2016

Do you have a boyfriend?

Good morning! Good morning!
Woo I am getting very distracted this morning with writting this mass email so sorry if its all jumbled. Ill try by best here😏
I guess i can start off with my subject line!! We volunteer twice a week at the senior center helping serve lunch. Ive gotten to know the seniors pretty well! There is this one man who came up to me a few months ago and asked me if i have a boyfriend and when i said no he was shocked and said "What!? Why not?? Dont worry...a girl like you Itll happen" hahah. Then everyweek after that he would come up and say "Sister, have a boyfriend yet?" I wold just shrug and say no haha. He went a few weeks with out asking then this last week my shift started with "Do you have a boyfriend YET?" I said nope but maybe in a year or so and he came back later to me and said "you know.. you dont need a man. They all lie!" haha me and sister ellertson laughed and laughed at the story that followed. That was my funny story of the week! Theres more but they are lame haha.

This week we spent a lot of time up in Columbia. I love it up there though! Real buildings and more than one stop light!! haha
But first we had exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders. I normally dread exchanges because Im not in my area with my companion and its just unfamiliar but Ive grown on the idea and sort of like them now! Sort of..(; but i was with sister segner and we spent the day finding new people to teach and we found some awesome potentials and it just taught me that i need to try harder. Some days it feel like i cant try any harder but theres that last 5% i should be putting in and thats what i remind myself now in the mornings is to push myself and apply everything I have. The next day we had president interviews. We each go in one at a time and get to just chat with President Bateman. He is an amazing man and makes you feel so comfortable and loved! We had a really good discussion about my work and who i am/want to be as a missionary. I left that interview feeling really good about the person i am becoming and the missionary that ive worked to be. It was really rewarding to have someone acknowledge my work but makes me want to work harder to keep it up! We spent all that day in columbia for president interviews and then Barbra came down for her baptismal interview. She said it went really well and walked out with a big smile. Her baptism is set for this weekend but some issues occured with the building so keep her in your prayers and that Saturday will work(:

Sorry this email was short... limited time!
but i love you all!! Thanks for the prayers and thoughts! They dont go unnoticed. Love you all(:
Sister Bustillos

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